The Story

One fine afternoon
I set for the hills
I didnt know the route
And I dint care.
May be coz I was the youngest
And I was being pampered throughout.

Some pointed their fingers to the top of the hill
For some, the route was more important (or so I thought)
I decided to make it to the top of the highest hill
I could see some are already there.
I wanted them to lift me up.
But I never asked them ( or rather my ego never did)

Some joined hands with me for their own reasons
For some, a reason was not needed.
Some lend me their hand (the other hand being hidden)
And a very few gave me both their hands.

I ‘ve reached half way now
One careful leap and I ll be there.
Alas!!! I dint know about the rules…(or rather I dint try to know).
The hidden hands say , “ you’re not supposed to
“Reasons are not valid here.
Rules are rules.
I wanted to break the rules coz I know I am right
But the price is heavy.
So here I stand now…
With both my hands full…
One ..with desires
And the other with rules.
And my eyes set on the top of the highest hill !!!
- Sayuj Ravindran.

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